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TASC-CHJ Treatment Capacity Expansion Series

As communities across the country face crises of drug addiction and overdose, the need for timely access to quality, evidence-based treatment for people with substance use disorders is clear and pressing. This series of briefs is offered to help communities develop treatment capacity, address gaps in services, and deliver coordinated care.

These briefs offer information and guidance to support communities in their planning efforts and strategies for action. Topics covered include: planning considerations and critical questions relevant to expansion efforts; building a sustainable network of services across sectors (e.g., law enforcement and first responders, community-based treatment, supportive service providers, hospital and emergency departments); identifying the components of a robust community service network; a framework for categorizing funding needs; and critical elements of programming that responds directly to overdose reversals.

TASC’s Treatment Capacity Expansion Series is intended to aid local planning groups, community leaders, and their partners in collaborative efforts to expand community-based substance use disorder treatment and related service capacity through realignment of resources to meet demand. The lead author of the series was Amanda Venables. 

Reach / Scope: National 

Substance Use Treatment Capacity Expansion Aligning Treatment Resources to Meet Demand

Addressing SUD treatment capacity requires challenging a common, standard narrative that treatment is non-existent, too costly, too far away, or otherwise unavailable. While such concerns may well be true, accepting this narrative often overlooks and underutilizes resources (e.g., services, funding, or staff) that are ineffectively aligned with community demand.

Ensuring an Effective SUD Service Network 

A robust, effective community-based substance use disorder (SUD) service delivery network means that residents can access a continuum of high-quality treatment and other services. TASC’s Center for Health and Justice has identified the following nine critical service domains comprising such a network.

Funding SUD Treatment Capacity Expansion

Treatment and recovery services expansion work is all the more critical in communities facing constricting resources and competing priorities. This brief guides how to analyze, access, and leverage different funding resources to help optimize and expand capacity.

Cross-Agency Collaboration: Understanding Community Partners 

As communities pursue local responses to the opioid crisis that are both effective and sustainable, it is critical that partners become familiar with one another and develop shared awareness of the strengths and challenges of the different systems in which they operate. A foundation of mutual understanding creates a collaborative environment well-positioned to deliver services meeting the needs of the community. This document is intended to guide planning discussions among diverse partners.

Naloxone Plus: Critical Elements of Post-Overdose Connections to Care 

The “Naloxone Plus” framework—a nationally recognized model for overdose response and prevention in communities hit hardest by the crisis—creates a mechanism that bridges the gap to services following an overdose reversal. Engagement efforts at this precise time, during or immediately following an overdose reversal episode, leverage a unique window of opportunity to yield interest in services.